
Posts Tagged ‘Tsunami’

[tweetmeme source=”ibethyap”] I’ve always believe that Japan is a great nation. That is why it’s sickening to imagine that something terrible such as the earthquake and tsunami can shaken the foundation of Japan. It’s the 4th day I’m following the news in Japan. Opening my eyes, ears and heart to whatever news I may get. In the end, I feel depressed and devastated over the impact of this tragedy.

Natural disasters are the worst source of damage. Not expecting it is normally the biggest cause of destruction. No matter how hard you prepare, sometimes, it’s just not enough. I’m sure Japan has tons of preparation given that earthquakes is a common occurrence for them. But it’s still hard to anticipate all the damages a disaster can bring.

I really hope that the problems in Japan would end soon. How much more should they endure? It’s now time for nation building. I know Japan would recover, they always do and they become a greater nation. Sharing everything they have with one another. Compassion towards their fellow Japanese. It’s a really touching thought. How I wish I can say the same for my countrymen. I truly love the culture in Japan. Maybe in my next lifetime, I’ll become Japanese.

After the earthquake and tsunami. Japan is facing nuclear meltdown. Everyone is doing everything they can to prevent a bigger disaster. Help is being sent from all over the world. Rescue operations, food ration, radiation checks. At times like this, it’s good to feel that you are not alone.

I’ve saved some pictures of the disasters to remind myself not to take life for granted and live each day as if it is your last. Let people know you care about them. So that in the end, there won’t be regrets.

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